541.772.4180 | Fax 541.772.4199 | mbh5055@live.com

About Us
Established in 1984, Medford Better Housing has offered the local communities an affordable, clean, and reliable property management for over 40 years.
With ou 24 hour, 7days a week answering service and on call maintenance staff, we quickly and efficiently solve any upkeep issues that may arise as soon as we can.

We offer weekly grounds maintenance to keep our properties looking well kept and do routine inspections of our properties to be sure that our tenants are living on grounds that are clean, safe, and up to date.
We pride ourselves on listening to community feedback so that we may be consistent with our efforts to continually improve and develop the best relationships possible with our tenants.
Medford Better Housing is a Premiere Real Estate Company in the Rogue Valley
Proudly Serving the Medford Community Since 1984